Articles to help navigate your world 

Click on the images below for some useful articles I’ve written, all related to traveling as a highly sensitive person. Scroll to the bottom for printable lists and reminders to help make your daily life and travels a bit more chill!

Recognise your triggers

Life would have been so easy if I knew from an early age more about how bodies and emotions functions. But this is not something that is learned in school. And the way our parents raised us was most likely similar to how their parents raised them. There is nobody to blame, but it’s so nice that we live with an awareness now to make better choices for ourselves and future generations.Because a calm nervous system is everything.

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Traveling with dog

I was so stressed when I took Mochi with me on a flight for the first time. But every first time can be scary and overwhelming and I can truly say now that we both do well with an airborne adventure.

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How to go on the bucketlist adventure

Eight years ago, I would bet a million dollars on it, that I would never  in my life travel by myself. I could not imagine it, and I tried. I was in a relationship back then and we traveled now and then, so the idea of traveling alone was unimaginable. The fact that some day I could change my mind to do so was also non-existing. 

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Packing tips

Actually being aware of how I can improve my travels took a while. For instance; I wasn’t the best packer, I was always missing stuff. And ofcourse I realised what I was missing in the midst of panic and anxiety attacks.

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The routine

Even though repetition is often not one of my favourite things, it is very good to have a certain degree of a routine. Having a set routine for every day, and every day of the week, and every week of the month makes me feel a bit suffocated. It brings a boredom of knowing that every day will be the same. It probably has something to do with my high sensation seeking trait. I was anti-routine for a long period in my life, I don’t like repetition. But I found out that having a bit of a routine will bring peace and energy to handle triggers and being overwhelmed better. 

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Printable lists, info folders and daily reminders